Our Data Promise

At Renata Rimke Company, we deeply value the trust you place in us, and we are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of your personal information. Our data promise outlines how we handle your data with utmost care, providing clarity on how we collect, store, disclose, transfer, protect, and process your information.

1. Collection of Information We collect data to enhance our services and provide a seamless user experience. This may include information you provide directly, such as when you sign up, or data we gather from your interactions with our services.

2. Storing Your Data Your data is stored in secured databases with restricted access. We employ the best practices to ensure that your data is kept confidential and secure

3. Disclosure Your privacy is paramount. We do not sell or share your personal data with third-party marketers. Any disclosure to third parties, such as partners or vendors, is purely for the purpose of enhancing our services, and is carried out under strict confidentiality agreements.

4. Data Transfer If ever there’s a need to transfer your data, whether it’s across borders or to a third-party service provider, we ensure the recipient upholds the same (or higher) privacy standards as we do.

5. Data Protection Using advanced encryption methods, regular audits, and constant monitoring, we protect your data against unauthorized access, tampering, or breaches.

6. Processing Your Information We process your data for specific purposes, such as improving our services, personalizing your experience, or informing you about updates. We always seek your consent where required and respect your choices.

7. Your Rights You have the right to access, amend, or delete your personal data held by us. Should you have any concerns or wish to exercise these rights, please reach out to our dedicated data protection team at info@renatarimke.co.uk.